We’re sorry you didn’t receive the service you expected from iBanFirst. Everyone has the right to make a complaint if your experience was unsatisfactory. Below, you’ll find information on how to submit a formal complaint.
Before submitting a formal complaint, we might be able to resolve your issue through the following options:
If this is unsuccessful, email us complaints@ibanfirst.comand a team member will contact you directly.
iBanFirst will:
We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours and provide a final response within 15 calendar days. In exceptional circumstances and due to factors beyond our control, there may be delays in responding to your complaint. Should this occur, we will provide a holding response within 15 business days of receiving your complaint, outlining the reasons for the delay and indicating when you can expect our final response. Regardless, we will issue our final response within 35 business days of receiving your complaint.
If you’re not happy with our final response, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) within 6 months of our final response.
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS):
Details of the type of complaints that are eligible to be considered by the financial ombudsman service are available on their website www.ombudsfin.be
iBanFirst S.A. is duly authorised and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium (under CBE number 0849.872.824) as a payment institution. It is a direct member of the SWIFT network and is certified to make payments throughout the SEPA zone. As a payment institution, iBanFirst S.A. only offers hedging solutions (forward, flexible forward and dynamic forward) connected to underlying payment transactions. iBanFirst S.A. does not offer options or any other financial instruments for investment or speculative purposes.